Improved Surgical Coordination Workflow Saves Practices and Healthcare Money

Improved Surgical Coordination Workflow Saves Practices and Healthcare Money

At least once a year, every surgical practice should examine how efficiently their organization is running to see how they can improve. Practices that operate without thinking about proper workflow, risk hemorrhaging time and money. The following simple steps can help nurse your clinic back to good financial health.

Improved Surgical Coordination Workflow

If Your Practice Has An ASC, Make Sure It’s Operating Efficiently

The OR room is usually the biggest expense for surgical practices. Ensuring the room is used to the fullest, maximizes the large amount of money laid out for the use of an OR.  

Using an AI system can keep downtime to a minimum and activity to the fullest. This will help make the most of every minute, and ensure that the OR, the surgeon, ancillary team members, and any special rented equipment are being deployed efficiently. When it comes to the OR, every minute counts — and costs.

Cut Down the Tedium of Data Entry

A surgical coordinator tired at work

There’s no two ways about it, data entry can be dull. If surgical coordinators are stuck doing tedious manual data entry tasks such as form filling, time is taken away from the tasks that count in a practice.

These crucial tasks include filling in canceled surgery time slots or getting approval from insurance companies – all of which generate revenue.

There are ways to avoid filling out forms multiple times. Even something as simple as a form generator, like Surgimate’s, will ease the burden of data entry, freeing up coordinators to increase surgical volume.

Create An Effective Tracking System

Surgical practice employee reviewing surgical workflow efficiency

Tracking multiple patients, physicians, processes, payments, and insurance claims is hard work and time-consuming. Given the amount of bureaucracy involved in a single surgery, tracking things manually is error-prone even to the most detail-oriented employees. Powerful programs like Microsoft Excel have limitations.

Creating a system to track the needs of each patient means the whole surgical process can run much more smoothly. Not only does it keep stress levels low in the office, but it minimizes the chances of surgeries being cancelled.

When a procedure has to be called off, it also means surgical coordinators can quickly fill in any unbooked surgery spots, saving the practice thousands of dollars in unused OR time.

Measure Your Practice’s Performance

Surgical practice employees reviewing surgical workflow efficiency

Going on an efficiency drive is great, but it can’t be done in a vacuum. Every so often you have to take time to crunch the numbers. Analyzing your performance over time – your efficiency, volume, and cancellations will allow you to easily identify recurring problems and finesse your processes.

This means you can increase your booking success rate and keep your surgeons’ block time in the OR’s operating at capacity.

Running reports that reveal critical insights into the reasons your patients are canceling will ultimately help you reduce cancellations and keep the practice operating at peak efficiency. The same goes for tracking surgical volume over different periods to determine if surgeries are being scheduled at the most appropriate facilities.

Increasing efficiency at individual practices improves healthcare at the micro-level. If enough practices cut out wasted surgery time and increase OR capacity, the impact could also be felt throughout the whole healthcare industry.

Waiting times for operations could be reduced, allowing patients to get the pain relief or surgery they need without needless delay. If more practices improved their surgical workflows it would ultimately cut costs for the whole healthcare industry, and there’s nothing healthier than that!

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